Tuesday, May 7News That Matters


A Brief Note On Relationship Of Frequent Lying  With Psychic and Personality Disorders

A Brief Note On Relationship Of Frequent Lying With Psychic and Personality Disorders

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Pathak, Divisional Ayurvedic & Unani Officer (Retired), Shahjahanpur, UP   Indian cultural and religious texts always emphasized on truth and speaking lie as bad. But, greed of minor or major benefits have changed the situations in present scenario and lying has become necessary habit for bigger mass. Tendencies of speaking lie start at childhood and continues to adulthood and later even, if not curbed. Children starts lying just to ignore mistakes at small age, but parents need to teach lying as bad things1,2. If it continues till adolescent without much attention, a sense of habits develops for easy benefits. Such habits advance to condition when people lie just for persistent admiration and to hide failures or mistakes1,2. Mind of these people is such ...
A Pharmaceutico-analytical Study Of Rajarasayana

A Pharmaceutico-analytical Study Of Rajarasayana

Anushree H.S., Research Assistant, ALNRMAMC, Koppa Arun R., ALNRMAMC, Koppa Gopika D., ALNRMAMC, Koppa Jeena A., ALNRMAMC, Koppa Deepthi D, ALNRMAMC, Koppa Rajarasayana is one of important Ayurvedic formulation mentioned by Vansgasena’s Chikitsasara Samgraha for chronic sinusitis. Even after lots of successful clinical reortings, pharmaceutical and analytical studies were not observed. Physico-chemical parameters like ash values and extractive values were evaluated. Preliminary phytochemical tests revealed the secondary metabolites like glycosides, triterpenoids, flavonoids etc. Being jaggery an important portion of formulation, 23% sugar was observed in study. Thin layer chromatography exposed 5 and 4 spots respectively for alcoholic extracts and water extracts. Download pdf
Editorial- May-2019

Editorial- May-2019

Mind is operational representation of brain. Intelligence, patience and memory are agnate to mind. Psycho-physical principle of body considers the interrelationship of mind to body and body to mind. Both mind and body complement to action. Any aberrant action performed by impaired intellect, self-control and memory is termed as Pragyaparadh as per Charaka Sharirasthana (C.S.) 1/102. Such aberrant actions lead to vitiation of all Dosha. Such vitiation brings imbalance of Dosha resulting in diseases. Pragyaparadh is associated with misconception ensued from delinquency of wisdom or error in discernment of information. Philosophically, a metaphysical state of Pragyaparadh exists. Pragyaparadh is not limited to individual, but every segment of society is also affected through the wrong action...
Relevancy of Concept of Oja with Neuropeptides: A Brief Discussion

Relevancy of Concept of Oja with Neuropeptides: A Brief Discussion

Bimal Chandra Jha, Ex-Editor, Sachitra-Ayurveda Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha, Reader, ALNRMAMC, Koppa   Abstract: The vital force to keep normal physiology working in equilibrium with reference to Tridosha is termed as Oja in Ayurveda. It is required for every single physiological action. Its defined swaroopa proves its physical existence. Based on characteristics, importance, actions and effects, it is related with collective forms of all neuropeptides. Neuropeptides small protein molecules present in every neuron. Minute screening of central control of every physiological action further strengthens the claim of similarity between Oja and Neuropeptides (all collectively). Detailed effects of non-functioning or irregular functioning of neuropeptides leaves similar effects as mentioned ...


Intuition is resultant of pure mind. Devi Mahatmyam mentions that clarity of mind is related to mental purity. Mental purity comes with understanding of nature (Maa Parvati) and its intentions. Actions according to nature’s observation gives the flash of intuition. Nature has its own systematic pattern of ruling. Understanding of structured design is matter of higher consciousness. Shri Aurobindo writes in The Synthesis of Yoga that the true intuition exists from the self-existent truth. Pure intuition doesn’t allow the mixing of sensual errors or intellectual ideation. It is away from self-assured false certitudes. Intuition can be verified scientifically but in real sense true intuition is out of the boundary of verification as referred by Sanatan Dharma for intuition, an outcome of high...
Desmodium gangeticum (Linn.) DC.

Desmodium gangeticum (Linn.) DC.

Gallery, Medicinal Plants
It is an important medicinal plant, used as Laghupanchamoola of Dashmoola in Ayurveda. Roots are used as astringent, diuretic, antipyretic, nervine tonic, anthelmintic etc. It is an undershrub, up to 120 cm in height. Leaves are unifoliolate. Leaflets are 4-13 x 3-8 cm in size, orbicular, ovate in shape, glabrous above and pubescent below. Flowers are in terminal raceme, violet to white in colour. Fruits are 1.2-2.5 cm long and 2.5 mm broad, subfalcate, upper suture slightly indented, lower deeply indented between the seeds. Gangetin, gangetinin, desmodin and many other alkaloids are reported in root.
Concept of Pratyaksha Pramana: A Brief Review Of Indian Philosophy

Concept of Pratyaksha Pramana: A Brief Review Of Indian Philosophy

Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha, Reader, ALNRMAMC, Koppa Accepted by all school of thoughts in Indian Philosophy, Pratyaksha Pramana is acknowledged universally as independent proof. The area of Pratyaksha Pramana is comprehensive and whole world believes in this only. The knowledge as outcome of conjunction of senses and objects is taken as Pratyaksha Pramana. It is doubtless and definite. It may be Laukika (ordinary) or Alaukika (extraordinary). Ordinary is further divided in to Savikalpaka (determinate) and Nirvikalpaka (indeterminate). Both determinate and indeterminate are said to be of two folds, being Arvachina (recent) and Anarvachina (memorial). Ordinary determinate is well recognized by everyone. Important of mana (mind) is given specific space in processing of association between five s...
Editorial- March-2019

Editorial- March-2019

The foundation of Ayurveda lies on philosophy. Greater portion of Ayurvedic teaching is based on Sankhya, Vaisheshika and Nyaya philosophy. Scientific apprehension of these philosophical aspects open the door for practical applications. Critical analysis of verses has got validations after years of practical executions. Indications are recommended based on capacity of rational thoughts or inference. Proofs (Pramana) have occupied an important space for discernment. Continuous observations with agreement and differences of experimental methods supported by proofs have strengthened Ayurveda. The basic of philosophy lies with similar approach where ideas and thoughts deduced from practical experiences are implied for the development of theories. Charak Samhita Vimanasthana 8/8 evidently refer...
Celastrus paniculatus Willd.

Celastrus paniculatus Willd.

Gallery, Medicinal Plants
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. (Jyotishmati)   It is large woody climber with lenticels on young shoots. Leaves are broadly ovate, obovate or oblong-ovate. The upper half to three-fourth margin is serrate while lower half to one-fourth is emarginated. Panicles are in drooping cymes. Male and female flowers are different. Capsules are 0.8-1.2 cm across. Seeds are yellowish-brown. Seeds are used as nervine tonic, diaphoretic and emetic. The seed-oil is used for treating depression and hysteria. It is used for improving memory. Roots are used in swollen veins and in pneumotic affections. Leaves are antidysenteric.
Marsilea minuta L.

Marsilea minuta L.

Gallery, Medicinal Plants
Masrsilea minuta L. is perennial plant from Pteriopsida class and Marsileaceae family. It is common in water and marshy places. The plants is known as Sunishannaka or Swastika in Ayurveda. It is used as sedative, in insomnia and many of behavioural disorders.