Saturday, October 5News That Matters

Month: January 2021

A Clinical Evaluation of Ashwagandha Churna on Short-term Insomnia

A Clinical Evaluation of Ashwagandha Churna on Short-term Insomnia

*Dr. Aby Mathew, PG Scholar, ALNRMAMC, Koppa, KarnatakaDr. Akhila Vinod, PG Scholar, ALNRMAMC, Koppa, Karnataka*Corresponding Author: [email protected] Received: 15-09-2020 Paper Accepted: 13-10-2020 Corrected: 28-11-20 Abstract: Background: Ayurveda considers sleep as one of important sub-pillars of body associated with strength, potency, intellect etc. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) refers dissatisfaction with sleep quantity and quality to insomnia. International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) 3 has classified insomnia in acute or short-term insomnia and chronic insomnia. Charak Chikitsasthana 24/88-91 mentions exhausted mind, sense organs, grief, alcohol etc. as various causes of insomnia. Various treatments are suggested in Ayurveda as ...
Editorial- January

Editorial- January

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers prediabetes as serious condition. It is a state of intermediate hyperglycemia where sugar level is higher than normal, but not enough high to diagnose as type 2 diabetes. Recently, a research work published in Nature Medicine identifies six sub-phenotypes for prediabetes through a cohort study. The 25 years long study included 7,000 participants from Germany and UK. The study was led by Professor Hans-Urlich Haring. The study used partitioning of variables using glucose tolerance tests, MRI-measured body fat distribution, liver fat content and genetic risk. Six different clusters of sub-phenotypes were categorized as cluster 1 to 6. Three of these clusters i.e., 1,2 and 4 are suggested to be with low risk diabetes. Participants of ...