Thursday, April 25News That Matters

Month: August 2018

Editorial- August

Editorial- August

Indian philosophy contemplates unveiling of inner self as ultimate goal of human life mentioned in atma doctrine of Upanishad. Taittiriya Upanishad in its Brahmanada Valli chapter refers to Panchkosha or five-sheaths path as Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya for understanding the psycho-metaphysical stand points of inner significance leading to practical aspects of spiritualism acknowledging the atma. Annamaya kosha is permeated by remaining kosha while Pranamaya kosha spreads through three kosha as Manomaya, Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya. Manomaya kosha extends through Vigyanamaya and Vigyanamay through Anandmaya. These kosha are not mutually exclusive. Annamaya kosha covers the whole physical body as it is basis of required energy for functioning, growth or any action. ...