Sunday, May 19News That Matters

Editorial- December

             The most honored word in Indian culture is Maa (mother). It is linked to Adishakti, goddess of creation of everything. Dictionaries define mother as one of the parents who gives birth to child and takes care of that child with affection and responsibility. Even the ‘mama’ is the only phonation produced when child has not learnt to speak. Scientifically, it may be due to slight nasal murmur produced when lips are pressed during breastfeeding. Mothers look after all basic needs in early childhood. A strong emotional bond is developed between mother and child. Researches have shown the impacts of maternal illness on child’s psyches.
          Recently an article published in Journal of Affective Disorders predicted the association between maternal depression at earlier time point with child anxiety and depressive symptoms later. The study has covered 1,446 mother-child dyads in 20 cities of US from 1998-2017. Authors have highlighted the maternal depression in first 5 years with prediction of higher child anxiety and depressive symptoms at 15 years. Studies reveals 50% causes of depressions and anxiety are genetic. Basically, pathogenesis of depression and anxiety is related to abnormalities in serotonergic functions. SLC6A4 gene is connected to encoding of serotonin transporter through its polymorphic region of 5-HTTPLR (5-hydroxytrptamine transporter-linked polymorphic region). SLC6A4 gene is located on chromosome17q11.2. Studies also exhibit that the maternal negative affectivity may trigger the risk allele of SLC6A4 to vitiate the condition in child. Researches are still required to ascertain the inheritance of this gene from maternal or paternal side. But, evidences indicate the maternal side as prime one. Some studies have correlated the susceptibility of environmental effect with short variant of SLC6A4. Other than these, child also learns emotional regulation in early stages of life from the ambience and, greater part of that is played by mother. Problem in achieving of emotional regulation leads to depression or temperament problems at later ages. More detailed screening based on various aspects of gene in relation to child-mother dyads is required.