Thursday, September 19News That Matters

Clinical Evaluation of Madhvasava in Constipation (Vibandha)

Professor (Dr.) Vikas Vallabha Kasture, HOD, Dept. of RS & BK,
MES Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Ghanekunt, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India


Constipation is a common problem observed across the globe. Its vitiated condition is associated with number of diseases and numbers of physiological alterations or medicaments give rise to constipation. It affects the life-style. Many of medicines are prescribed by physicians for constipation which may work through smoothening effects of intestine or by increasing peristalsis movement or by irritation of intestine or by increasing the mass of bolus. Drugs with individual effects are present in Ayurveda, still a combined effect is matter of better relief.
Madhvasava, a formulation mentioned for diabetes in Charaka Chikitsasthana 6/41-44, is also indicated in constipation. It contains ingredients used for irritation of intestines, better muscular movement etc. Present clinical trial revealed the improved frequency of bowel movement, reduced abdominal pain with less time spent in efforts of evacuation………..

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